Discovery Education Cohort - Underwood is one of 27 schools partnering with Discovery Education to help drive system-wide Learning and Teaching transformations. We have created a small cohort comprised of Underwood staff as well as a professional learning consultant from Discovery Education. Our focus will revolve around learning, reflecting, and dialogue with each other about the 4 C's, Learner Agency, Social Emotional Learning, and Digital Learning. The cohort will meet 3 times this year (Feb. 20, Mar 21, & April 7. As part of our learning, Learning Walks will be conducted each time where a small group of 2-3 staff members will spend 10-15 minutes in some of your classrooms. These Learning Walks will occur between 10:45-11:45
Habitat for Humanity - Per Dr. Merrill - Earlier this year, our school system agreed to participate in a “Building Together” project run by Habitat for Humanity of Wake County. We also learned the Habitat for Humanity house will be built for one of our bus drivers, Roxanne Harris, and her family. As a sponsoring organization, we are working to raise as much as $65,000 by March 24. I am excited to share that Moseley Architects already has made a donation of $2,000 in my name. If you would like to be a part of this exciting partnership, please donate by visiting the Building Together website. Individual schools will be recognized based on donations given. Project updates and opportunities to volunteer directly at the site of this new home will be shared at a later time.
Visit from Magnet Office with guests - On Tuesday February 28th 9:15AM Our Magnet office representative and members of the Charlotte-Meck Magnet office will be visit the creative arts electives to tour 1st and 2nd Period Arts Electives.
Underwood Foundation Spring Gala - tickets are now available -- Gala tickets for Friday, March 24, 7:00pm at CAM. If you would like to be added to the list for potential free tickets, email Ashley.
Artspleasure - Save the date for March 23rd from 5:00-7:30. More information to come.
Spotlight on Student Breakfast-March 7th, 8:00-8:45am in the Media Center. Please attend and help celebrate our eight nominated students. Sign up for a food item to bring:
Critical Thinking
Input Sessions on Curriculum: February 20 - March 2
We Need YOU! We are hosting a series of curriculum review sessions Feb. 20-March 2. We seek input from teachers, staff, parents and community around new resources for curriculum offerings that we will begin implementing this fall. Please take a look at the MEMO from Assistant Superintendent for Academics Brian Kingsley.
February is Love the Bus Month
Aeronautics elective - created parachutes and tested to see if they will launch and fly
Kitchen Chemistry elective - predicting what would happen to water as pencils were stuck in it. Also focused on how plastic harms the environment.