Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 27-May 1

We had a successful Foundation Virtual Gala, congratulations to those that won auction items. Also thank you those that donated to our Foundation. If you missed it and would like to donate to the Underwood Foundation, you can at

Remote Learning Plan for the week of April 27th - May 1st 

All schools closed for the remainder of the school year

Governor Cooper announced today that all public school buildings will remain closed for the rest of the school year. In keeping with this order, all WCPSS school buildings will remain closed for the remainder of this school year for in-person instruction. Our students and staff will continue with remote learning and teleworking for the remainder of the school year. We will work on the implications of this decision and continue to update families and staff as we work through solutions. 

Helping 5th graders transition to middle school 

Even under normal circumstances, the transition from elementary to middle school is often an exciting, yet nerve-racking time for students. We want rising 6th graders to feel prepared for middle school. Parents can help enhance students‘ comfort level with this change by exposing them to common concerns that arise in middle school and equipping them with skills necessary to be successful. We encourage you to read and review this transition guide with your rising 6th grader. 

Pandemic Electronic Benefits program (P-EBT) for eligible families

North Carolina approved the distribution of additional resources to families receiving free or reduced-price lunch. The additional benefits will be through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (P-EBT) to help families buy food during the COVID-19 school closure.

Applying for federal free or reduced price school meals

We realize that many families’ economic and employment situations have changed during this pandemic. Families can apply at any time for free or reduced price lunch, which may also qualify you for other state and federal benefits. 
Here are the locations for food pickup  - https://www.