Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28th


4Cs Grant - District Grant application. This is a great way to look at ways to receive resources to support learning in the classrooms.

Server Upgrade - Reminders via Andrea's email - No computers or internet access Dec 5th

PBIS Reminders -- Last week's memo - Part of our Business meeting this will provide clarity and collaboration on ways to support students.


Team teaching in electives -- Introduction to Engineering with Rhonda and Dawn. 

Early Release -- Agenda - we will be focusing on the Why MTSS, time to collaborate and provide feedback on presenting level of MTSS and collaboration time. 

MSA -Thank you to Rachel Frasier for providing feedback and input into our Magnet Schools of America Application.Thank you to Daphne, Alexandria and Ashley for the collaborative effort on the application. Fingers crossed..

Critical Thinking 

Business Meeting Agenda --- Please view this video prior to our meeting -- Every Child Needs a Champion - this will be referenced in our dialogues. Agenda

Early Release - Our focus of our Friday will be MTSS - what is it, how is being implemented at Underwood and what are the next steps in the process - Agenda

Electives - Reminder to submit requests for 3rd and 4th quarter elective materials by December 9th. 


Ceiling Mounts - All ceiling mounted projectors should have power. If you are missing an extension cord please see Travis. 

Playground Equipment - Our new playground structure is to scheduled to be delivered and installed on December 31st. 

On December 2nd, we welcome Digerido as a K-2 and 3-5 Cultural Arts Performance.  Digeridoo Down Under is a fusion of Australian music, culture, art, science, literacy and comedy.  We appreciate our PTA's support and funding of these learning opportunities for our students!

Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21st


Lockdown Feedback - We would like to use an app Remind 101 -- (to be a part of the text message) as a way to communicate during emergency, but also to share information about school closings, delays, and other information. The app is free, but text rate apply if applicable.

PBIS Updates regarding behavior/communication:
  • Teachers are responsible for entering major/minor referrals for incidents that occur in their classroom (Specialists during Specials, Elective teachers during electives, etc).
  • All staff should enter minors and majors into the SIRS system.  Once a major referral has been entered, Travis/Daphne will be notified and complete the incident report.  If you need help entering major referrals, see Rhonda Miller.  This process will also be reviewed at the December Business meeting.
  • All behavior incidents occurring in Specials/Electives should be reported to the homeroom teacher (majors-same day, minors-within two days). 
  • Minor referral and communication clarification:  If the purpose of a minor is to communicate a concern, then parents should be notified either by phone or email (whether you are the homeroom/elective teacher or Specialist).   If teachers have had direct contact with parents,  then sending a copy of the minor referral home wouldn't be needed. (Communicating directly with parents doesn't negate having to enter the minor referral). 
  • The purpose of collecting data (whether it be major/minor referrals, behavior charts, frequency charts, etc) gives us the opportunity to capture what is happening.  It then allows us to analyze, problem-solve and make decisions.  Many supports are available for students, however without accurate data to show the need is warranted, these opportunities can not be utilized.  Examples of in house supports we have in place at Underwood include:  small groups with Victoria, behavior support groups during Specialist push in time (Rachel), Feeling Buddies curriculum (Ashley), check in/check out program.

Critical Thinking

Reminder-  Check your elective classes for third and fourth quarter and submit any instructional needs by December 9th.  All magnet money has to be spent before we leave for the holiday break.
Instructional Funds Request Form-
Elective Classes-  3rd and 4th quarter-


Last Thursday Kim Hughes spent the day in five classrooms coaching and supporting the implementation of Conscious Discipline!

Early Release Day December 2nd we will allow for a collaborative presentation to overview MTSS for the first hour, followed by an hour of team time.

Highlight of the Week!  Kellie Harris double checked her rosters and notified Alexandria and Ashley about students that either were/were not showing up to her elective classes.  This helped ensure the safety of all students and provides a location for them in the event of an emergency or early dismissal.

On December 2nd, we welcome Digerido as a K-2 and 3-5 Cultural Arts Performance.  Digeridoo Down Under is a fusion of Australian music, culture, art, science, literacy and comedy.  We appreciate our PTA's support and funding of these learning opportunities for our students!

As we are in the middle of Quarter 2 electives, if you have any artifacts from an academic elective that could be used in our display case outside the Media Center, please pass them along to Travis. Thank you to Lauren for taking on the vision of the display.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 14th

Communication -- #weareunderwood

Book Fair -Book Fair Sign Up (be sure to sign up for preview and buy).

IOWA testing - will be Wed, Dec. 7 and Thurs., Dec 8.

Teacher Observations - First Admin observation are to be completed by the end of the November. All second observations will be by the other administrator then the first one. 

Teacher Workday - Wednesday 23rd is a workday, be sure to turn in a  eave form if you are not planning on working that day. 

Critical Thinking

Server Upgrade - We scheduled to be reimaged on Monday, December 5th, no computer access for that day until and all call is made (don't plan to have computer access that day). 

Professional readingBook Lists (add Writing the Classroom Wall and Personalized Learning) - check out these educational books. If you would like a copy come and see me or if you would like to do a book study as a team or group.

Theme Teams - Great job by all of the Magnet Theme Teams! Our goal for these teams was to "scream our theme" of Gifted & Talented and you all are achieving that goal - with hall displays, media center hallway display, elective offerings, community outreach. Thank you for your efforts, it doesn't go unnoticed by Travis, Daphne, Alexandria, and Ashley!


Planning Days - Second quarter planning days should focus on identify third quarter ELOs. Determine some assessment tasks that would be measured 2-3 weeks. Assessments don't have to be tests, they should be other learning opportunities that require students to think and respond to show mastery of a skill. 

Technology Office Hours - Tanya will be hosting one-on-one or focus group discussions on technology items or integration on Tuesday (7:45-8:30). This week's topic will include bookmarking sites to the cloud to prepare for the Dec 5th server upgrade. 

Arrival - We need to continue to support our students in their movement throughout the building. It is great for upper grade students to want to visit teachers, please provide the welcome that they desire and redirect them to their classroom to start their day. 


Elective Letters - due to the Google Drive folder on November 10. Parents will be notified in this week's PTA communication that letters can be found on the Elective Letter webpage. If you have not already, please upload your letter so that Andrea and Tanya can get it on the webpage for parents. If needed, directions can be found here - Elective Letter Directions

Magnet Magazine - Why Magnet? First publication of Explore Magnet (Travis is excited to say that he is quoted in the "Ready, Set, Go...") - Also Rhonda Miller's picture is on page 11 with the Kindergarten Basis! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7th


Morning Message - Starting Tuesday November 15th the Morning News will be producing their shows on Tuesday and Thursday this will be a collaborative effort with the elective and myself. Mrs. Trowell will send out the message on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Be share to show the morning message during the school day, this could be during your morning meeting, snack time or a part of your brain break.

Server Upgrade - we will be having our server upgraded on December 5th. More information to come (meeting with the person on the Friday the fourth). 

Electives Start Today-  Please submit all change requests on this form.
 Check your rosters daily and notify us of any discrepancies.

Election 2 Hour Day - A district-wide phone call to all parents tonight in English and Spanish about the two-hour delay tomorrow. 

Critical Thinking 

Highlight of the Week!  Mrs. Herb selects one goal from each quarter's list of goals for students to focus.  They aim to master this standard at 80%.  Daily they review the goal.  Mrs. Herb learned this best practice in her PLT for the county last year, and states that on average all of her students are mastering each of the "said" goals at 80% or higher.  Way to go! 


Elective Share -- Excellent job by students and teachers during the Elective Share. It was great to see a variety of students and electives being shared on Thursday. 
Creativity and the Curriculum--Instead of fighting the Halloween jitters, Mrs. Jennessee applied her science standards and worked with the students' excitement.  In this particular instance, they predicted and questioned how the baking soda was going to react with the other ingredients.



Thanks to the Star, Rhonda, Sherry, Pat, Lauren, Alexandria, Ashley, Heather Peaden, Sharon, Maggie and Scott, for volunteering at the magnet fair!  We really appreciate the support and knowledge you shared with prospective parents!