I grew up in Fayetteville, NC where I was often one of the few civilian students in a classroom full of mostly military dependents. As a result I was disappointed to learn that no, my family would not move to Germany at some point since it seemed that was all my friends talked about. Growing up in a military community also meant that I learned a lot about a variety of cultures, regularly made new friends, and had lots of pen pals. Throughout school I spent many hours taking and teaching classes at my local dance studio, singing in the church choir, playing the piano, competing on the Forensics team (aka speech and debate), performing in the school musical, and being the over-the-top artsy kid. Oh, and there’s a secret I tell very few people but that always stuns others when I share it - for 9 years I competed in beauty pageants.
After high school I attended Meredith College where I am proud to say I was in the same graduating class as both Sarah Goldberg and Kellie Harris. While there I was a NC Teaching Fellow, majored in dance, and earned my K-12 dance teaching license. After graduating from Meredith I was the dance and drama specialist at West Lake Year-Round Elementary for 9 years, then spent 2 years as a school librarian (first at Holly Grove Year-Round Elementary and then helping to open Herbert Akins Year-Round Elementary) before joining the Underwood Family. While here at Underwood I’ve first resisted then embraced Conscious Discipline and become a Certified Instructor.
I’m a daughter, a sister, and a widow who misses her sweet husband but will forever be thankful to the school family that has carried me through these last 3 years. I’m truly blessed to work with all of you!
- Shellie Hubbard for organizing Sunshine Squad activities/treats!
- Flexible staff that supported each other on Monday to help meet the students demands when we were short staffed.
- Caring and thoughtful staff that supported each other this week.
Wish Well
- Jose’s family and friend….we will always remember him!
- Travis who lead the staff during such a sad time.
- Staff members that have been sick or are supporting their children that have been sick... hopefully all are on the mend.
March 29th
We will be protecting the morning of March 28th workday. We will be having professional development from 10 - 12 am. We will be doing part 3 of the Trauma series along with additional conversations.
TEK Clubs start Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 and run February 20-March 27. Rosters can be found here
Just a reminder to be mindful when responding to group messages. Reply vs. reply all helps eliminate filling inboxes with unnecessary emails. Thanks for your attention to this detail!
PTA Stipends- If you have needs or requests, the PTA has asked that you spend the money prior to May 1st. Before submitting a request through our Instructional Needs Form, please spend this money first. Please let us know if you have any questions.
RTA Summer Camp -
Our Summer Camp will be at Brentwood Road Elementary and we will be with Brentwood and Joyner. Summer Camp will run from July 15-30th for 12 student days. The teacher workdays are July 11, 12, and half-day on July 31. Staff interested in serving as the Lead Teacher will need to apply for the position in Applitrack. Each host site has a posting for the Lead Teacher position.
Foundation Spring Gala- Exciting news! The Foundation Board invites ALL staff members to join us at the Spring Gala on Friday, March 1, 2019 at Whitaker and Atlantic. This year, the Foundation has offered for Underwood staff and spouses to attend the event for free! If you plan to attend, please email Mary English Hand, mhand@wcpss.net, by Wednesday, Feb. 27, so we can add you to the guest list. We hope you will join us!!
DLC Leaders
We hope that February is going well for all of you and wanted to pass along our latest updates in a very brief newsletter, February Central DLC News! This month there are links related to Discovery Ed as well as tips and information about earning Digital Learning Competencies as you get closer to your renewal date. You can find archived copies of our newsletter and other resources at bit.ly/CentralDLC. If you have additional needs you can reach out to us at jkuhn@wcpss.net or khurelbrink@wcpss.net.
Books Books Books- "When (children) have access to books, they read more and they read better. Period. It's not groundbreaking, but it's true." (from Miller's Game Changer: Book Access for all Kids) How many self-selected books do each of your students have in their desks? their book boxes? their book bags? For the first 4 months of school, Underwood students averaged 2 books checked out from the library per month. We can do MUCH better! Please encourage your students to come to the library to check out multiple books often...the more self-selected books students have at hand, the more inclined they'll be to read these books. MTAC is exploring ways to get students checking out more books - feel free to share your ideas.
A Great Resource- Have you heard of Unite for Literacy? It is free and allows you to choose books that students can read (and also listen to in their own language). Read more here to learn about the program. Please share it
Friday Wind Downs- Come wind down after a busy week at one of the businesses in Five Points (The Pointe, Lola's Beach Bar, NOFO, etc). Come have a snack and/or drink and chat with your friends outside of school. Use this link to sign up so we know if there people going and who all will be there. Sunshine Squad may buy a snack every once in awhile, but we will not be able to provide a snack each time. Join whatever Friday you can! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eYhsNkOmF2W8KsiXgbABB3zq2LfTGGX44zOb69hyAiA/edit?usp=sharing
We will be protecting the morning of March 28th workday. We will be having professional development from 10 - 12 am. We will be doing part 3 of the Trauma series along with additional conversations.
TEK Clubs start Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 and run February 20-March 27. Rosters can be found here
Just a reminder to be mindful when responding to group messages. Reply vs. reply all helps eliminate filling inboxes with unnecessary emails. Thanks for your attention to this detail!
PTA Stipends- If you have needs or requests, the PTA has asked that you spend the money prior to May 1st. Before submitting a request through our Instructional Needs Form, please spend this money first. Please let us know if you have any questions.
RTA Summer Camp -
Our Summer Camp will be at Brentwood Road Elementary and we will be with Brentwood and Joyner. Summer Camp will run from July 15-30th for 12 student days. The teacher workdays are July 11, 12, and half-day on July 31. Staff interested in serving as the Lead Teacher will need to apply for the position in Applitrack. Each host site has a posting for the Lead Teacher position.
Foundation Spring Gala- Exciting news! The Foundation Board invites ALL staff members to join us at the Spring Gala on Friday, March 1, 2019 at Whitaker and Atlantic. This year, the Foundation has offered for Underwood staff and spouses to attend the event for free! If you plan to attend, please email Mary English Hand, mhand@wcpss.net, by Wednesday, Feb. 27, so we can add you to the guest list. We hope you will join us!!
DLC Leaders
We hope that February is going well for all of you and wanted to pass along our latest updates in a very brief newsletter, February Central DLC News! This month there are links related to Discovery Ed as well as tips and information about earning Digital Learning Competencies as you get closer to your renewal date. You can find archived copies of our newsletter and other resources at bit.ly/CentralDLC. If you have additional needs you can reach out to us at jkuhn@wcpss.net or khurelbrink@wcpss.net.
Books Books Books- "When (children) have access to books, they read more and they read better. Period. It's not groundbreaking, but it's true." (from Miller's Game Changer: Book Access for all Kids) How many self-selected books do each of your students have in their desks? their book boxes? their book bags? For the first 4 months of school, Underwood students averaged 2 books checked out from the library per month. We can do MUCH better! Please encourage your students to come to the library to check out multiple books often...the more self-selected books students have at hand, the more inclined they'll be to read these books. MTAC is exploring ways to get students checking out more books - feel free to share your ideas.
A Great Resource- Have you heard of Unite for Literacy? It is free and allows you to choose books that students can read (and also listen to in their own language). Read more here to learn about the program. Please share it
Friday Wind Downs- Come wind down after a busy week at one of the businesses in Five Points (The Pointe, Lola's Beach Bar, NOFO, etc). Come have a snack and/or drink and chat with your friends outside of school. Use this link to sign up so we know if there people going and who all will be there. Sunshine Squad may buy a snack every once in awhile, but we will not be able to provide a snack each time. Join whatever Friday you can! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eYhsNkOmF2W8KsiXgbABB3zq2LfTGGX44zOb69hyAiA/edit?usp=sharing
Check the Underwood Calendar often….
Check the shared Underwood google team drive, folder-Daily absences and info for the preferred sub list.
NKT- The window for mid-year NKT is closed. For AMC, you only have to assess the students that were in the RED.. The students who are in the YELLOW will be intervened on the area where the NKT shows a need. Alexandria will organize this if your team would like. Please let Alexandria know if you or your team needs help.
Standards, Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts in Elementary Science- K-5 Teachers will discover three components of effective science programs to support students in discovering the tenants of science literacy. Sign up on e-schools. Funding for half day subs provided by Academics. Training will be held at the Garner Training Center, 201 Avery Street, Garner. -- March 26, 2019 (1:00pm-4:0pm) SRN 196011902
Resource for parents to include in your newsletters-Just a reminder that our Homework Resources for Parents page is growing! We now have ELA resources for Grade 3 through 5 in both English and Spanish! This is a great way to engage families in how to have the conversations with their child around their learning. You can find it by going to Parents, then Homework Resources in the dropdown, on either the district site or on your school's homepage.
Science Resource- Women in Science
National Geographic's theme for this month’s Explorer Classroom events is “Women in Science and Exploration " .Sign up today! Each of the beautiful posters from NEVERTHELESS is downloadable!
Growing Garden Classrooms Workshop
Want to attend a professional development workshop for integrating garden-based education? A school garden is an incredible tool for teaching, but many teachers feel they can’t utilize their school garden due to lack of experience as gardeners. In this first workshop session, teachers will gain valuable knowledge of their school garden as a classroom when we cover the fundamental tools and skills required for a successful school garden space. Through hands-on lessons, the teachers who participate in this session will have gained all the basic mechanics of small scale growing to be able to confidently begin teaching in their own school gardens. Teachers will receive a resource binder at the end of this session to prepare them for their next growing season. This binder will include: planting guides, lesson plans, diagrams, and seeds! Please forward this email to all interested participants within your school. The location is Camden Street Learning Garden at 811 E Davie St Raleigh NC 27601 on March 30th 10am - 2pm. All of these workshops are free to attend, you only need to complete the registration https://foodshuttle.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1RIjFA65RjtfT93
Free Online PD by National Geographic
Invigorate your teaching practice with free online courses that provide powerful instructional tools and one-of-a-kind National Geographic content. These professional learning courses range from topics such as transforming your class into an engine for inquiry and action and empowering your students to improve their communities through service learning.
NC Museum of Art Mini-Course
The North Carolina Museum of Art will offer educators a series of mini-courses this spring on the connections between art and science. Participants explore topics through inquiry-based learning in an online community while gaining valuable classroom connections. Take all five or pick and choose! Courses include: Art and the Science of Looking , Art and Systems, Art and Physics ,Art and Ecology, and Art and Nature (Developed in partnership with the Hickory Museum of Art). Each course can provide a certificate of participation for 3 hours, and up to 15 hours if all five courses are completed. (0.3–1.5 CEU, with approval from your local school system).Visit https://learn.ncartmuseum.org/events/online-mini-courses-on-art-and-science/ to learn more and register. If you have further questions please contact Michelle by email michelle.harrell@ncdcr.gov
Ross Andrews Nature Poetry Contest
Here is a great opportunity for your students to integrate Science and ELA concepts! Encourage and invite your students, colleagues, friends & family to wax poetic and enter the 2019 Ross Andrews Nature Poetry Contest sponsored by The Center for Human-Earth Restoration, a local nonprofit run by two former WCPSS teachers Randy and iris Senzig. You can even write a submit a poem yourself! There are prize$ for the top winner in each categories: K-2, 3-5, and Adults. DEADLINE is MARCH 31, 2019 by 11:59 pm. Click here for details and entry instructions.Be sure to share your student's poems with us on Twitter @WCPSSElemScie! We would love to see their and your creations.
Together we are better! Feel free to share feedback/celebrations anytime here
Check the shared Underwood google team drive, folder-Daily absences and info for the preferred sub list.
NKT- The window for mid-year NKT is closed. For AMC, you only have to assess the students that were in the RED.. The students who are in the YELLOW will be intervened on the area where the NKT shows a need. Alexandria will organize this if your team would like. Please let Alexandria know if you or your team needs help.
Standards, Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts in Elementary Science- K-5 Teachers will discover three components of effective science programs to support students in discovering the tenants of science literacy. Sign up on e-schools. Funding for half day subs provided by Academics. Training will be held at the Garner Training Center, 201 Avery Street, Garner. -- March 26, 2019 (1:00pm-4:0pm) SRN 196011902
Resource for parents to include in your newsletters-Just a reminder that our Homework Resources for Parents page is growing! We now have ELA resources for Grade 3 through 5 in both English and Spanish! This is a great way to engage families in how to have the conversations with their child around their learning. You can find it by going to Parents, then Homework Resources in the dropdown, on either the district site or on your school's homepage.
Science Resource- Women in Science
National Geographic's theme for this month’s Explorer Classroom events is “Women in Science and Exploration " .Sign up today! Each of the beautiful posters from NEVERTHELESS is downloadable!
Growing Garden Classrooms Workshop
Want to attend a professional development workshop for integrating garden-based education? A school garden is an incredible tool for teaching, but many teachers feel they can’t utilize their school garden due to lack of experience as gardeners. In this first workshop session, teachers will gain valuable knowledge of their school garden as a classroom when we cover the fundamental tools and skills required for a successful school garden space. Through hands-on lessons, the teachers who participate in this session will have gained all the basic mechanics of small scale growing to be able to confidently begin teaching in their own school gardens. Teachers will receive a resource binder at the end of this session to prepare them for their next growing season. This binder will include: planting guides, lesson plans, diagrams, and seeds! Please forward this email to all interested participants within your school. The location is Camden Street Learning Garden at 811 E Davie St Raleigh NC 27601 on March 30th 10am - 2pm. All of these workshops are free to attend, you only need to complete the registration https://foodshuttle.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1RIjFA65RjtfT93
Free Online PD by National Geographic
Invigorate your teaching practice with free online courses that provide powerful instructional tools and one-of-a-kind National Geographic content. These professional learning courses range from topics such as transforming your class into an engine for inquiry and action and empowering your students to improve their communities through service learning.
NC Museum of Art Mini-Course
The North Carolina Museum of Art will offer educators a series of mini-courses this spring on the connections between art and science. Participants explore topics through inquiry-based learning in an online community while gaining valuable classroom connections. Take all five or pick and choose! Courses include: Art and the Science of Looking , Art and Systems, Art and Physics ,Art and Ecology, and Art and Nature (Developed in partnership with the Hickory Museum of Art). Each course can provide a certificate of participation for 3 hours, and up to 15 hours if all five courses are completed. (0.3–1.5 CEU, with approval from your local school system).Visit https://learn.ncartmuseum.org/events/online-mini-courses-on-art-and-science/ to learn more and register. If you have further questions please contact Michelle by email michelle.harrell@ncdcr.gov
Ross Andrews Nature Poetry Contest
Here is a great opportunity for your students to integrate Science and ELA concepts! Encourage and invite your students, colleagues, friends & family to wax poetic and enter the 2019 Ross Andrews Nature Poetry Contest sponsored by The Center for Human-Earth Restoration, a local nonprofit run by two former WCPSS teachers Randy and iris Senzig. You can even write a submit a poem yourself! There are prize$ for the top winner in each categories: K-2, 3-5, and Adults. DEADLINE is MARCH 31, 2019 by 11:59 pm. Click here for details and entry instructions.Be sure to share your student's poems with us on Twitter @WCPSSElemScie! We would love to see their and your creations.
Together we are better! Feel free to share feedback/celebrations anytime here
Conscious Discipline Corner
Quote of the week: Children have to be seen differently to behave differently.
- February 18th-Workday
- February 21st-CDAT Team Meeting-7:45am
- February 22nd-Spring Pictures
- February 26th-Leadership Meeting
- February 26th- Q3 Interims go home
- March 1-TA Meeting at 7:45am
- March 1-Foundation Gala
- March 5-Business Meeting at 7:45am
- March 7-Spotlight on Students Breakfast
- March 12-Leadership
- March 14-CD PLT
- March 21-Q3 electives end
- March 21-Artspleasure 5:30pm
- March 25-Q4 electives start
- March 26-Leadership Meeting
March 29-Workday (We will meet from 10:00-11:30 as a staff)
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