Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 22nd Updates

Thank you all again for having a constructive dialogue about our district Vision 2020. As mentioned many of the items that were shared will be discussed as we work on our school improvement plan and look ahead to next year's plans.


- It is imperative that you continue to communicate items that are going on in your classroom via Member hub, email, and other sites. 

@underwoodgtm Tweets!


“A clear purpose will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your energy.”  Kenneth H. BlanchardCollaboration Begins with You: Be a Silo Buster (via

Creating Soil 
Kahoot - discussing the Moon Phases

How to prevent chocolate from melting

-- Alexandria, Brenda, Daphne, Andrea, and Tonya working together to integrate Minecraft to support struggling readers in our third grade reading elective.

-- MTSS Cohort 2 - (Cheryl, Victoria, Charlotte, Heather P, Christine) in working on supporting our Tier 1 supports. ICEL support

-- Daphne, Victoria, Cheryl, and Rachel working together in ensuring testing accommodations are communicated and supported in all settings.

Critical Thinking 

- fifth grade has been providing student time to work on their "Genius Hour" - the purpose of a Genius Hour is for students to create questions that they would like to answer about a topic. Then they would have the time to research their answers and present their findings. Here is an example of -- Saving the Manatees

What we Love about Underwood 


Non-Fiction Text 

Timeline on Martin Luther King

Pictograph using objects

1 comment:

  1. Underwood looks every bit as amazing in a blog as it really is within the school walls! Great representation of what we do! Be sure to click the live @underwood Tweets link....what a showing of our school there!!!
