Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23rd

Early Release - Fantastic conversations and discussions about how to support students utilizing the TIPs protocol. We will continue these conversations and share out what each team is working on to support all students.

#SummerStem - continued collaboration with Dawn and Rhonda (now Megan)
with their students conversing with NASA. Students presenting if NASA should have astronauts take a three year mission.

PLT Focus - continuing to analyze the objectives to provide learning opportunities to match them. These conversations should be the main objective of planning days with the continued discussions and analyzing of data during Wednesdays meetings.

Quarterly Planning Days-  Your grade levels quarterly planning days have been sent to you.  It is your responsibility to submit your sub request in AESOP by Wednesday, January 25th to ensure your participation.  You need to also submit your leave request form.


Pieces of Gold (Dig it - Rachel's Tweet) Excellent performances -

Twitter - Underwood Teachers in action on Twitter take a look -- UES Tweets

Critical Thinking 
Report Cards - 2nd quarter report cards will go home with students on Tuesday, February 7th.  
Quarter 3 Electives will begin Tuesday, January 31st. 

TIPs Presentation - Presentation from January's Early Release

Case 21 - Grade 2-3 will be taking Case 21 on Tuesday & Wednesday. Please remind students to move quietly through the halls while testing signs are up.

3rd and 4th Quarter Elective choices-  You will receive your students' elective schedules on Thursday, January 26th.  Please send home their schedule Thursday.  You will also receive a copy to hold on for your records.  Please note that you will have to double check your student schedules if they feel something has changed.  You have access when you login to OASIS. 

Valentine letters - for Rex Hospital Patients will need to be turned in to Travis's office by February sixth. 

Speaker for January 30th - Captain Barrington Irving - Short BioIn 2007, he set two world records—at age 23—as the youngest person and first black pilot to fly solo around the world. He has a passion to explore, inspire, and educate others. Now 32, Barrington has developed a Flying Classroom curriculum ( that transforms the way students learn STEM: in following his global expeditions, they engage in problem-solving activities that enable them to overcome new challenges. 

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